Active involvement in project development and fundraising:
- Led the development of successful Adult Education grants for adult literacy, family literacy and community development (1994-1997)
- Led the development of successful grant applications in collaboration with colleagues from Education for Development, Reading, for literacy and conflict resolution projects up to £13,000 – £241,000 (1997-2002)
- Team member for a successful HEFCE FDTL4 bid Promoting Interprofessional Education PIPE (2001 to date)
- Project management: institutional capacity building:
- Developed skills in collaborative project management with overseas partners since 1997. This has involved exploring issues around shared agenda, mutual learning, goal-setting, accountability and evaluation.
- Committed to the concepts of working in partnership with local communities, involving genuine consultation and participation.
- Recently engaged in projects in the UK and India, Kenya, Egypt, Guinea/Sierra Leone and Southern Sudan which include family literacy, health education including HIV/AIDS, water & sanitation, community mobilisation, training of trainers, workers education, income generation, community literacy.
- Responsibility has included; project planning, funding proposals, target setting, the appointment and support of staff/consultants, co-ordination of delivery and the evaluation of the process and impact.
- Liaison with in-country desks of DFID, British Council, SPLA/M etc for Sudan UNHCR. Developing evaluation systems, financial management and reporting for projects up to £214,000.